Cognitive Program

Innovation: The CCH is founded on the acquisition and development of data solutions to enable better care for those patients with cognitive deficits. Over the past year, the CCH has developed proprietary technology used to follow up on patients after they undergo therapy with the goal of developing the largest data set for Cognitive patients. They are currently employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to extract care trends on successful treatment paradigms.

Initial Evaluation: Patients present for an initial evaluation that includes a detailed history, physical exam, neuropsychological, emotional and cognitive components. The first visit requires approximately three hours of time for the in-person section and then the data is reviewed, and a treatment plan is created.

Feedback & Assessment: After the initial visit, patients return within one to two weeks for a full assessment and outline of the treatment plan.

Treatment Plan: The treatment plan will consist of a combination of modalities usually split into a “top down” versus “bottom up” approach. The “bottom up” refers to cerebral cognition exercises and entails computer-based cognitive therapy (CBCT) done at our facility or in the home. Patients usually engage in this therapy for three days per week for three months and then undergo a re-evaluation to determine if they need further therapy or discharge from the program. The “top down” approach is a specially tailored Occupational Therapy program to target issues with activities of daily living that may be difficult for the patient. This program usually lasts twice per week for eight to twelve weeks.

Re-Assessment: After completion of each program at three months, patients are scored, and progress detailed for both the provider and patient showing strengths and weaknesses. If the patient is improving, then the program is continued. If the patient is doing worse, we discuss with the family regarding the next course of action and what is best for the patient.