Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, these are healthcare insurances we are affiliated with:

  • Medicare
  • Workers Comp
  • No Fault
  • Tricare

What can I expect in a neuropsychological evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation consists of:

  • Interview to gather relevant medical and social history
  • Neuropsychological evaluation (3-4 hours)
  • Feedback appointment to discuss the results – A report will be generated to give to patient and referring provider detailing the patient’s history, results of the neuropsychological evaluation, and recommendations.

The evaluation consists of paper-and-pencil tasks, computerized tasks, and answering questions related to your mental, physical, and cognitive functioning. These tasks are used to assess general intellect, attention and concentration, reasoning, problem solving, visuo-spatial functioning, language, memory, motor and emotional functioning. The evaluations are tailored to each person’s presenting concerns.

What some important reasons for a neuropsychological evaluation?

  • Identification of cognitive difficulties – The examination can be useful in detecting mild memory and thinking problems that may be subtle.
  • Differential diagnosis – Different illnesses affect the brain in different ways and produce specific patterns of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Identification of change in functioning – A neuropsychological evaluation may be utilized to document change in cognitive functioning and behavior during an illness or following surgery, injury, or treatment.
  • Treatment planning – The examination can be used to identify target problems in order to plan the most effective treatment or to create a behavioral plan to accommodate specific weaknesses.